en dermis
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en perichondrium
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en stereocilia
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en flagellum
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en duodenum
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en pulmonary alveolus
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en club cell
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en human musculoskeletal system
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en anterior pituitary
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en grey matter
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en human brain
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en waist
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en paradidymis
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en hela
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en nerve fiber
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en ameloblast
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en cementoblast
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en acinus
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en brown adipose tissue
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en hepatocyte
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en cystohepatic triangle
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en annulus of zinn
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en thigh
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en white blood cell
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en periosteum
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en round window
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en scalp
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en peyer's patch
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en eardrum
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en human eye
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en osteocyte
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en heel
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en somatic nervous system
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en microvillus
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en human tooth
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en linea alba (n, abdomen)
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en myofibril
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en blood
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en ovulation
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en kidney
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en skeleton
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en arm
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en nasal cavity
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en taste bud
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en small intestine
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en dissection
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en thyroid
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en axilla
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en amphiarthrosis
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en eye
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en seminal vesicle
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en palatine uvula
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en integumentary system
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en pupil
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en neck
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en cervix
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en body cavity
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en toe
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en exocrine gland
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en lymph
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en tooth enamel
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en ring finger
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en auricle (n, anatomy)
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en deciduous teeth
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en areola
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en mammary gland
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en peritoneum
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en lacrimal apparatus
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en root canal
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en axon hillock
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en lymph node
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en rib
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en cornea
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en bartholin's gland
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en hinge joint
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Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en periodontium
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en tragus (n, ear)
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en forehead
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en temporomandibular joint
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en nail (n, anatomy)
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en auditory system
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en glans penis
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en incisor
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en urinary bladder
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en human skeleton
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Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en pulp (n, tooth)
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en dacryon
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en tongue
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en symphysis
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en eustachian tube
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en central nervous system
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Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en helix (n, ear)
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en ear
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Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
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Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en ampulla of vater
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en spermatozoon
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Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en rectum
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Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en sharpey's fibres
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Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en zona pellucida
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Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015
en foramen ovale (n, heart)
― IsA ⟶
Weight: 0.5
en anatomical structure (n) Source: DBPedia 2015