zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 認真 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 點香精油
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 養足精力 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 去除疲勞 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 覺得疲勞 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 刷牙齒
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 有張床
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 一身冷汗
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 先洗好澡
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 舒適 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 困了 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 按鬧鐘
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 閒暇 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 脾氣暴躁
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 給身體力量 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 心情差
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 想補充體力 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 沒事幹 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 保護肝臟 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 懶了 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 喝醉 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 養精蓄稅 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 看海綿寶寶 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 補肝 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 躺上床
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 疲倦了 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 閉嘴
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 讓隔天有精神 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 有美夢 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 作息 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 想作春夢 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 嘴微微打開
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 合上眼晴
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 打枕頭仗 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 得心病 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 過度勞累 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 明天好精神 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 要保肝 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 在看原文書 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 本能 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 恢復元氣 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡下一次覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 吃飽想睡 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 出現幻覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 覺得憂鬱 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 寫程式 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 枕頭棉被
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 準備考試 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 在安靜空間
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 抱被子
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 強壯的體格 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 號時間 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 忍住不吃 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 把車開到路邊
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 迅速入眠
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 好的氣色 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 蓋厚棉被
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 喝康貝特
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 有好體力 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 追星 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 墊枕頭
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 打開冷氣
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 偷打瞌睡
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 思考遲緩
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 走到房間
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 喝酒
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 會疲勞 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 要養精蓄銳 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 考大學 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 大床
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 躲進棉被
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 沖冷水
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 直接睡著
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 說夢話 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 讓心神平息 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 沒睡飽 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 狀況不佳 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 無聊了 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 剛打完球 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 要早起上班 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 必須要睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 忙了一天 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 暈倒了 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 躺平
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 做操
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 頭暈腦脹
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 數星星
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 身體放鬆 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 不想動 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 放學 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 先洗澡在睡
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 開電風扇
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 早點睡著
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 被催上床 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 去休息
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 留口水
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 抬腳
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 睡覺 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 晚上了 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 睡覺
― MotivatedByGoal ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 哭累了 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game