attend school requires…
- en enrol ➜
- en enroll ➜
- en register for classes ➜
- en arrange transportation ➜
- en attend ➜
- en become a student or a teacher ➜
- en bring your book ➜
- en buy your books ➜
- en cheer up ➜
- en do your homeword ➜
- en do your homework ➜
- en enroll at a school ➜
- en fill in an application form ➜
- en find the place it is ➜
- en get dressed ➜
- en get on the bus ➜
- en get on the school bus ➜
- en get school supplies ➜
- en get up in the morning ➜
- en go to college ➜
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attend school is a subevent of…
- en you learn ➜
- en become smarter ➜
- en establish friendships ➜
- en that you get bored ➜
- en get up to get to school ➜
- en getting an education ➜
- en you are given a locker ➜
- en you grow knowledgable ➜
- en learn mathematics ➜
- en learning ➜
- en make friends ➜
- en meet people ➜
- en shoot people ➜
- en sleep ➜
- en use pen a lot ➜
- en you will learn ➜
attend school is motivated by…
- en better myself ➜
- en be brainwashed ➜
- en you can learn from the instructors ➜
- en a certain result ➜
- en you are a child ➜
- en a degree ➜
- en gain knowledge ➜
- en get a good job ➜
- en get smart ➜
- en go to class ➜
- en you have to ➜
- en it is the law ➜
- en learn about science ➜
- en learn something new ➜
- en learn a new skill ➜
- en learn new things ➜
- en learning never ends ➜
- en you must ➜
- en obtain a degree ➜
Things that make you want attend school
- en Desire to learn more things ➜
- en a desire to learn ➜
- en curiosity ➜
- en A desire for an education ➜
- en Getting a degree ➜
- en A girl/boy friend ➜
- en Lack of a degree ➜
- en Lack of information ➜
- en Learning ➜
- en A love of learning ➜
- en Poverty ➜
- en threatening letters from the school head ➜
attend school is the first step of…
- en go to your locker ➜
- en leave home ➜
- en open your books ➜
- en register for classes ➜
- en sit in the classroom ➜
- en take my seat ➜