Effects of putting on stand
- en ambiguity ➜
- en to ask someone questions ➜
- en being in the court room ➜
- en display ➜
- en the finding of the truth ➜
- en hearing testimony ➜
- en jury becomes convinced by the testimony ➜
- en nervousness ➜
- en not always simple ➜
- en perjury ➜
- en a person to testify ➜
- en putting within arms reach ➜
- en testimony ➜
putting on stand is a subevent of…
- en asking questions ➜
- en breaking it ➜
- en cross examination ➜
- en delivering testimony ➜
- en fill a vase with flowers ➜
- en get ready to play music ➜
- en listen to the judge ➜
- en oy ➜
- en stephen king gets a royalty ➜
- en a testimony ➜