Effects of scoring homer
- en cheering ➜
- en the crowd cheers ➜
- en the crowd cheers for you ➜
- en the team to win ➜
- en elation ➜
- en excitement ➜
- en the fans to cheer ➜
- en getting laid ➜
- en happiness for the home team ➜
- en helping your team win ➜
- en helping your team win the game ➜
- en hissy fits ➜
- en loud cheers ➜
- en run arround the bases ➜
- en running the bases ➜
- en runs to score ➜
- en your team gets another point ➜
- en your team gets one point ➜
- en your team makes a point ➜
- en win ➜
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scoring homer is a subevent of…
- en cheer ➜
- en run around the bases ➜
- en run the bases ➜
- en cheering from the crowd ➜
- en the crowd might cheer ➜
- en the crowd roars ➜
- en the crowd will cheer ➜
- en doing a victory shuffle ➜
- en a fan catching the ball ➜
- en feeling good ➜
- en High fives from teammates ➜
- en hit the ball hard ➜
- en you hit the ball very hard ➜
- en hit a baseball ➜
- en loss of ball ➜
- en run around a baseball diamond ➜
- en run to homebase ➜
- en running ➜
- en sliding into home ➜
- en smiling ➜
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scoring homer is used for…
- en a baseball game ➜
- en winning the game ➜
- en helping your team ➜
- en frustrating a pitcher ➜
- en getting cheered for ➜
- en getting popular ➜
- en the hitter in a baseball game ➜
- en increasing your self-esteem ➜
- en making points in baseball ➜
- en making a run ➜
- en marge simpson ➜
- en receiving more money from your team ➜
- en winning a baseball game ➜
- en winning a point for your team ➜
scoring homer requires…
- en a bat ➜
- en arm strength ➜
- en a corked bat ➜
- en good aim ➜
- en hand-eye coordination ➜
- en a really good hit ➜
- en skill, strength and luck ➜