send criminal to prison requires…
- en convict him ➜
- en convict her of a crime ➜
- en find them guilty ➜
- en take him to court ➜
- en attend a trial as a juror ➜
- en call the cops ➜
- en call the police ➜
- en contact polce ➜
- en contact police ➜
- en convict the criminal of a crime ➜
- en file a lawsuit ➜
- en find out where he's hiding ➜
- en get a good prosecutor and judge ➜
- en give him a fair trial ➜
- en hand cuffs ➜
- en have a right to do it ➜
- en be a policeman ➜
- en proof ➜
- en Prove the criminals guilt ➜
- en put the criminal on trial ➜
- More »
send criminal to prison is motivated by…
- en they committed a crime ➜
- en they commited a crime ➜
- en the criminal broke the law ➜
- en criminals must be removed from society ➜
- en they are a danger to others ➜
- en he is guilty of a crime ➜
- en he had commited a crime ➜
- en justice ➜
- en keep society safe ➜
- en he is a menace to society ➜
- en him/her out of society ➜
- en the person committed a crime ➜
- en protect society ➜
- en punish him ➜
- en punish him for his crime ➜
- en see justice ➜
- en seek justice ➜
- en society to be safer ➜
- en they stole a television set ➜
- en stop his crime ➜
- More »
send criminal to prison is a subevent of…
- en anal rape ➜
- en convict them of something beforehand ➜
- en execution ➜
- en feel vindicated ➜
- en you finish jury duty ➜
- en give cops job security ➜
- en justice is served ➜
- en less crime ➜
- en restrain him ➜
- en sentence him or her ➜
- en tell their parents ➜
- en testify ➜
send criminal to prison is the first step of…
- en adjudicate him/her guilty ➜
- en choose a prison ➜
- en convict him ➜
- en convict the criminal of a crime ➜
- en declare him guilty ➜
- en feel smug ➜
- en find him guilty ➜
- en give him some jail clothes ➜
- en put him in a cell ➜
- en resocialize ➜